Trash The Dress Photographer, Madison, WI

“If you’re out with a woman and it starts to rain.
If she screams, covers her hair, and runs for shelter,
Take her home and never call her again.
If she smiles and laughs, keep her close to you forever!”
Okay ladies. So here it is…this post will either make you fall in love with the idea or it will make you cringe. Last year in August, I got the chance to see Ellen and Dave (past wedding clients) again at Ellen’s stepsister’s wedding. Can I just say, I love Ellen and I was really excited when we were able to catch up some. I also talked Ellen into doing a “Trash the Dress” session with me (it didn’t take much persuasion).
Just to give you guys and an idea, basically “Trash the Dress” is a fun photo session (after your wedding day) where we can do things that you wouldn’t normally do on your wedding day. It can be as tame as you want it or it can be all out destruction. It is all up to you!
With Ellen and Dave, we started out at the beach. We kept it very simple at first but then as the night went along…we had LOTS-O-FUN! :) Ellen put out a cigarette on her dress, rolled around in the sand, literally “threw” paint at one another, silly stringed (and yes, stringed is a word), and then to finish off the night, we all went into waist high water. I, even went into the water with my camera…talk about stress! It was an eventful night and wow! What a blast! :)
Enjoy the photos…and Thank you so much Dave and Ellen for your patience.
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