Cartwheels, Funny Faces, and 100% Cuteness!

The world of a seven-year-old. It is so full of innocence, laughter, sarcasm, and, all around fun. You can have a conversation about how life began, so serious that unless you have google near by, most likely you are not going to know the answers. Then all of a sudden the two of you are having a competition about who can do the most cartwheels in a row.
I adore age seven (of course I love all ages) and when I met sweet Natalie and her Mom she was the perfect model. If I had to guess, Natalie practices her picture poses in the mirror. :) Even when you think she is acting natural while picking a flower, she most likely had it planned on how perfect the blue geraniums would match her shirt.
What a great little girl. I am sure my Zoey and her could make a lot of mischief together. :)
Enjoy the sneak peek ladies, it was GREAT working with you!
I love Natalie’s glasses…SOOO cute! :)
Awww…here is that sweetness of a seven-year-old!